Power School Parent Login

Power School Parent Login

Power School Parent Login

Jr-Sr Student Schedule Feature Opened on Powerschool Parent Login

Recently, your child's "Bell Schedule" was made available for parents to view. You are able to view your student's schedule in Powerschool by clicking the "My Schedule" button. This allows you to see your son or daughter's schedule for each day of the week and includes the name of every class, the location of each class, and the time those classes meet. This feature aides your child in remembering what classes they will have upon return from a long break or even a regular weekend. As parents you can see what is the best time to schedule appointments or to drop off things for your child. If you don't already have Powerschool access, please contact Registrar's Office at 967-6300 to learn how to get connected. In addition to the schedule feature described you will be able to view attendance and grade records for your child.
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