After School Program (ASP)

After School Program (ASP)

After School Program is BACK!

What is the after school program?
The After School Program (ASP) is a program that is sponsored by the Bainbridge-Guilford Central School District.  It is a safe and supervised time for students after the school day has ended.  The program will be held in the Greenlawn library, cafeteria, classrooms, and playground.

New this year- Guilford students (grades Pre-K - 1st) will attend after school in Guilford.

The After School Program is open to BG students who are enrolled in grades Prek-6 for the 2022-2023 school year. 
The program will allow students supervised time for school work and enrichment, recreation and a snack will be provided. 

Hours of Operation:
The program will run school days from 3:00 p.m. until 5:30 p.m.  We will only have staffing for the program until 5:30 p.m. There WILL be childcare offered on early dismissal half days for conferences.  There will NOT be childcare on early release days due to weather or emergency closing days. 

Picking up your child:
When you arrive to pick up your child you MUST sign him/her out.  If there is someone else picking up your child you MUST call the director to notify.  The enclosed form allows for families to list three other individuals that might be picking up their child.

Guilford students not picked up will be bussed to Greenlawn at 4:45 for pick up there.
The Afterschool Program can be reached directly at (607) 967-6309 between 2:45 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.  Please come in the front door of the school when picking up your child.  ID is required for all adults picking up students.

Tuition Costs:
The program is FREE for all BG students.
However, all students must be pre-registered for the program.  Students DO NOT have to attend every day of the week, and DO NOT have to stay for the entire time.  
All students are expected to follow the BG code of conduct and the rules that are in place.  Parents will be contacted about serious behavioral problems.  If the problems continue, your child will be removed from the program.  As always, violence is NOT tolerated.

If a child becomes ill, the staff will determine the urgency.  If your child is uncomfortable, the staff will contact the parent.  If a child gets injured while at the program, the parent will be informed of what happened and how the injury was treated.  There will also be an accident form that needs to be filled out by staff and the parents.  In the case of a serious injury, parents will be called for instructions.  Life threatening situations will warrant a 911 call.  Please see the director if medication needs to be given during the afterschool program.

If you have any questions or concerns with the program please don’t hesitate to call and let us know.  Thank you for all of your support.  We will have a wonderful year!

Form For Registration: ASP form 23-24.rtf-3.pdf

Please send completed forms to Stephanie Brown, ASP Director, at the Greenlawn Elementary School.
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